A small app which serves as preview for the latest DroidScript docs.
It supports basic docs features such like theming and html method anchor jumps.
Additionally it is able to retrieve updates from the remote GitHub repository of DroidScript (https://github.com/DroidScript/Docs) and my own one (https://github.com/alex-Symbroson/Docs) for beta releases.
Please report any issues you might discover on github: https://github.com/SymDSTools/DocsPreview/issues or in this official beta forum thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/droidscriptbeta/CqpbNNp-IYQ
Any feedback is appreciated.
New features since 3.0:
- Retrieve DocsPreview updates from spk store
- Samples can be executed from within the app
- update DroidScript app docs
- update check + prompt on startup
- Main and Beta docs always downloadable
- custom startup update notifications
DocsPreview Version: 3.8
Docs Version: not included.
Changes in 3.8
Main and beta docs always downloadable custom startup update notification